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Leadership Commission (LC)

Chair:  VACANT - Elder Jeanine Cunningham, Convener


The commission shall hold the specific responsibilities set forth in the Book of Order (G-4.01, G-3.0103), and additional responsibilities as defined and delegated by the presbytery. The primary responsibilities will be:

  1. To coordinate the mission and program of the presbytery so as to:

    • Provide a means of establishing goals and objectives for presbytery;

    • Develop a mission strategy using the goals and objectives of presbytery;

    • Review and evaluate the presbytery's mission in the light of its goals and objectives and vice-versa; and

    • Review the effectiveness of the whole presbytery's mission.

  2. To oversee the health and welfare of the presbytery;

  3. To review the presbytery's life and mission in the light of G-3.03. At no time shall the commission transact business that properly belongs to the presbytery as a whole or to any presbytery standing committee;

  4. Provide for ongoing evaluation of the presbytery's mission programs;

  5. Carry out assignments as directed, from time to time, by the presbytery.


LC usually meets the second Wednesday of each month.

Leadership Commission Subcommittees

General Information Concerning Subcommittees

Subcommittees of the Leadership Commission are elected by the Leadership Commission.  Each member of a subcommittee will be elected for a fixed period of time and assigned to a particular class.  Ordinarily, a member of a subcommittee cannot serve for more than six consecutive years on the same subcommittee, however, this may be excepted one year at a time by a 3⁄4 vote of the Leadership Commission.

Leadership Commission Subcommittees

  • Finance & Budget Subcommittee

  • Outreach-Engagement and Interpretation Sub-Committee

  • Personnel Subcommittee

  • Communications Subcommittee

  • Emerging Ministries Subcommittee

  • Camp Subcommittee

  • Disaster Response Subcommittee

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