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Governing Documents

PC (USA) Book of Confessions

     The Book of Confessions is Part I of the Constitution of the PCUSA.  The latest edition is from 2016.  There are 12 confessions.  The creeds, confessions and catechisms of the Book of Confessions are both historical and contemporary.  Each emerged in a particular time and place in response to a particular situation.  Thus, each confessional document should be respected in its historical particularity; none should be altered to conform to current theological, ethical, or linguistic norms.  The confessions are not confined to the past, however; they do not simply express what the church was, what it used to believe, and what it once resolved to do.  The confessions address the church’s current faith and life, declaring contemporary convictions and actions.

     The above link is to PNNE's copy on our Google Drive and is unrestricted access.  You can also download the Confessions from the PCUSA website HERE.

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PC (USA) Book of Order

     The Book of Order is Part II of the Constitution of the PCUSA for 2023-2025, and contains the Foundations of Presbyterian Polity, the Form of Government, the Directory for Worship, and the Rules of Discipline.

     The above link is to PNNE's copy on our Google Drive and is unrestricted access.  You can also download the Confessions from the PCUSA website HERE.

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PNNE Operating Manual

     Operating Manual dated September 14, 2024.

     The PNNE Operating Manual is specific to the Presbytery of Northern New England, and when combined with the PNNE Bylaws, is intended to be a comprehensive documentation of the mission and administration of the PNNE.  Contents of the manual should be considered to be normative and binding.  Amendments are approved by Presbytery and the dates of approval are listed on the cover page.

     The above link is to PNNE's copy on our Google Drive and is unrestricted access.

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PNNE Bylaws

     The PNNE Bylaws are specific to the Presbytery of Northern New England and is a required document by laws and guidelines for incorporation, and when combined with the PNNE Operating manual, is intended to be a comprehensive documentation of the mission and administration of the PNNE.  Contents of the Bylaws are normative and binding.  Amendments are approved by Presbytery and the dates of approval are listed at the end of the document after the final Article.

     The above link is to PNNE's copy on our Google Drive and is unrestricted access.

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Sexual Misconduct Policy

     It is the policy of the PNNE that all members, officers, teaching elders, ruling elders, employees and volunteers are to maintain the integrity of the pastoral, collegial, employment and professional relationship at all times.  Persons who engage in sexual misconduct are in violation of the principles set forth in Scripture, and also of the pastoral, collegial, employment and professional relationship.  It is never permissible or acceptable for a member, officer, employee or volunteer to engage in sexual misconduct.  This document contains the policy and procedures to be followed to maintain the integrity and safety of all concerned.

     The above link is to PNNE's copy on our Google Drive and is unrestricted access.

Child Protection Policy - PDF

Child Protection Policy - WORD

The CPP approved during the Jan 12 PNNE Assembly is the CPP for the Presbytery of Northern New England.  Congregations must have their own CPP, as required by the Book Of Order, G-3.0106:  

"All councils shall adopt and implement a sexual misconduct policy and a child and youth protection policy."


Please feel free to refer to the PNNE CPP as you prepare your own congregation's CPP. 


     In the Presbyterian Church, during the baptism of an infant, child or adult, the congregation pledges to uphold that person in the household of God.  To these ends, PNNE has adopted reasonable policies and procedures in order to ensure that no child or youth (meaning all those seventeen years of age and younger), or an adult who has a diminished mental, emotional or physical capacity (ADMEPC) will be subjected to physical or emotional abuse or neglect by staff, paid childcare workers, teachers or volunteers while engaged in programs or activities that are sponsored and/or supported.

     The policies and procedures adopted seek to balance the security and welfare of the children and the legitimate expectations of privacy of staff and volunteers.

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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Reformed Church in America

United Church of Christ

This document is a resource to assist the churches of A Formula of Agreement (FOA) to grow in mutual understanding and, in particular, to implement the FOA’s provisions for the mutual exchange of ministers of Word and Sacrament.

First issued January 2000; revised February 2004 and September 2018.

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