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Outreach - Who Gets Funds
MA Council of Churches


Massachusetts Council of Churches (MACC)


PNNE is glad to support the good work of the Massachusetts Council of Churches.  Under its current name, it has been in existence since 1933 and its overarching purpose is to further cooperation between churches.  This organization’s mission is described on their website as “a network of individuals, congregations, and denominations convinced that what binds us together in Christ is stronger than what divides us.”


The Massachusetts Council of Churches proclaims the vitality of the Church in Massachusetts.  “With Christians across the Commonwealth, we work together for a vibrant, hopeful witness of our oneness in Christ in our local churches, on Beacon Hill and with our neighbors of other faiths.”


Contributing to the vibrancy of this non-profit are the eighteen [18] diverse organizations and churches that make up its membership including us!!  Check out this list of the amazingly diverse group of Christians supporting this ministry:


The African Methodist Episcopal Zion/New England Conference, African Methodist Episcopal/New England Conference, American Baptist Churches of MA, Disciples of Christ, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of NY and New England, Diocese of the Armenian Church in America(Eastern), Episcopal Diocese of MA, The Episcopal Diocese of Western MA, Evangelical Covenant Churches/East Coast Conference, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America/New England Synod, Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston, PCUSA Synod of the Northeast, Religious Society of Friends/New England Yearly Meeting, Salvation Army MA Divisional Headquarters, Swedenborgian Church, Unitarian Universalist Association, UCC Southern New England Conference, and the United Methodist Church/New England Conference. 


The Rev. Laura Everett faithfully leads and serves as the Executive Director for the non-profit, alongside an excellent staff and Board. Besides providing resources to its members, there are three main programs of the Massachusetts Council of Churches:


1.  The One Church Fund provides for financial needs and long-term relationship building within the body.  Through the One Church Fund, the Massachusetts Council of Churches prioritizes the financial, practical, and relational support of immigrant, Black, poor, unhoused, and unaffiliated churches.


2.  The Lydia Fellows Program The Massachusetts Council of Churches offers $500 stipends to Lydia Fellows for their time in the program with hopes of making learning and peer consultations possible for a new group of part-time pastors seeking to grow in community and share best practices for supporting part-time ministry.


3.  The Equipping the Saints program is underwritten by a grant from the Lily Endowment. With this grant, the Council is launching a preaching program to provide vocational preaching support “grounded in the traditions of Black churches and is open to all.” The program’s main purpose “in Equip the Saints is first and foremost support for Black clergy.”


If you would like to learn more about MA Council of Churches, please contact them at 617-523-2771 or EMAIL them at or go to their WEBSITE.


Respectfully submitted by the Outreach Subcommittee

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