Outreach - Who Gets Funds
Eliot Day Center, Lowell, MA
The PNNE Leadership Commission, Outreach and Engagement Sub-Committee is glad to provide support to Eliot’s Day Center on behalf of the presbytery. The Day Center is a “hub” where Eliot’s unhoused neighbors are welcome to come into the church Monday-Friday from 8:00AM-2:30PM to find resources for obtaining and maintaining healthy housing and to receive “person centered support“ and spiritual care. After 2:30PM, guests are allowed to remain in the building while awaiting supper provided by partner, St. Paul’s Kitchen.
For the Day Center, a “hub” means that there are a variety of partners who all come together at Eliot Day Center to provide a multitude of services to their guests. “Person-centered support” means the Center builds relationships with their guests, “empowering them to identify and use their unique gifts and respond to the needs they identify for themselves.” For the Day Center, spiritual care means the center offers a “welcoming environment of rest, peace, creativity, and community for all guests, regardless of their faith tradition.” The “tangible resources” the Center offers include things like daytime shelter, personal hygiene items, clothing, food, medicine, identification documents, and referrals to other services and partners. All of this outreach done by the Center helps the area’s housing insecure to find much needed basic necessities: shelter, food, clothing, medicine, and a community of care.
Funding for this wonderful, impactful Day Center comes from grantors, foundations, the City of Lowell, other non-profits, including the Presbytery of Northern New England, and individuals who believe in their cause to compassionately serve the marginalized and the most vulnerable of Lowell. If you would like to learn more about the Day Center, send EMAIL or go to their WEBSITE.