Serving God with Energy, Intelligence, Imagination, and Love
The Presbytery of Northern New England (PNNE) is a mid-council of the Presbyterian Church (USA). PNNE consists of all the ministers and churches in New Hampshire, Maine, most of Vermont and northeastern Massachusetts. A formal description of the PNNE boundaries is found in the PNNE Bylaws, Article I.C.
At the end of 2022, 28 PNNE member congregations and one fellowship reported 2,147 members. More PNNE statistics are available on the PCUSA statistics page for PNNE. You can view a list of our churches on our CHURCHES page. Our approximately 120 active and retired Ministers of Word and Sacrament provides PNNE with a significant strength. The PNNE is one of the 19 presbyteries in the Synod of the Northeast.
Upcoming Conferences
Mid Council Leader Orientation Spring 2025
March 18 – 20, Louisville -
Mid Council Leader Orientation Fall 2025
September 16 – 18, Louisville
Synod Grant makes Church survey tools available thru COM
How recently have you looked at your congregation’s purpose? Who are the groups in your community with whom you can partner to serve your neighbor? What is unique about your calling to prepare members for ministry? The Synod has provided funds to help sessions study their community and to survey their congregation. Mission InSite and Church Assessment resources are available to you at half your cost. Contact Resource Presbyter Scott DeBlock via EMAIL to sign up.
Ongoing Care for Ukraine

Composer and conductor John Rutter writes: "‘How can a composer respond to a global tragedy? By writing music is the most obvious thing. Like everybody, I’ve been shocked and dismayed by the events of recent days, and the first thing I wanted to do was write some music that would respond in my own way." Thus was born this new setting of A Ukrainian Prayer —
Боже, Україну храни
Дай нам силу, вірі, й надії
Отче наш, Отче наш
A literal translation of the text is:
Good Lord, protect Ukraine.
Give her strength, courage, faith, hope. Amen.
Read more from Rutter. The score is available for free by submitting this form. You are welcome to duplicate the score for the sole use of your own choir. You may like to make a donation to a Ukrainian relief charity, perhaps equivalent to the approximate cost of the copies had you purchased them. If you wish, you are free to make an audio or video recording of the piece without a special license to do so.
For every contribution to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, 17% of designated gifts are allocated for PCUSA operational services, and the remaining 83% goes directly to the emergency response, in this case to organizations working directly with those fleeing Ukraine. Gifts can be made online, by calling (800) 872-3283, by texting PDAUKR to 41444, or by check made payable to Presbyterian Church U.S.A. with "DR000156-Ukraine" on the memo line.
Mail to: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), P.O. Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264.
The church is to be a community of faith, entrusting itself to God alone, even at the risk of losing its life.
The Book of Order